About me

a picture of my face

Elijah Linton

19 years old Amateur Web Developer Bootcamp student

my work(1/2)

a webpage i created that has information of html css and javascript

Prework study guide

My first created a webpage by using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. it shows my ability to make a simple webpage i've learned and grown into a better developer.

my work(2/2)

Accessability Update

This is a video of a refactored webpage I've worked on. One of the things I've improved was the scroll behavior and the metadata. I've also enlarged the font because I wanted to make sure the user can see just fine. Another thing I wanted to prioritize was making the web page available to other devices such as tablets and phones.

My Resume

a image of the kansas univeristy logo

Kansas University Bootcamp

currently attending Kansas University Bootcamp where im learning HTML CSS and Javascript. I am dedicated to making sure I am a quality developer!!

From the heart video.

The "From The heart" video is a immersive video to give potiential recruiters and users. a little run down of who I am and my passions and dreams I hope it gives an idea of who I am